A Busy, Blessed Summer
7.25.18 // A Busy, Blessed Summer…
The stove works. The sink works. The quartz countertops are in, the backsplash tile is laid, and we’ve been using our beautiful kitchen for a couple of weeks now! The crib, rocking chair, and changing table for the nursery are in place. I think it’s safe to say we are ready for baby! (Good thing, because I'm 6 days from my due date.) The diapers and wipes are neatly lined up ready to be used, and the huge table saw is officially out of the living room! (I think.) Baby boy doesn’t care if the trim is done, but that is nearly finished as well. When you take on a house project like this, you have to wrap your head around most things being 90% complete as there are always things to add or wrap up. I’ll take that 90%!
We got a sectional for the attic area upstairs that is a little more nursing and kid friendly. We finally moved in some living room furniture and I’m decorating… which was something I refused to do on the first floor until construction tools were out of the house. We got a beautiful modern pantry unit for the dining area because closet storage is at a minimum in this small home. I’ve been nesting like whoa and unpacking a plethora of gift boxes from our wedding almost 2 years ago. It feels like Christmas!
The biggest joy is right around the corner, as in, arriving in a few short days! Thanks for following along and being part of this journey with us. 3 years in a trailer awaiting this place feels good. Patience pays off, and we are so grateful for the blessings of this summer.
-- xo, gretta --