Spring (I think) Progress…
4.28.18 // Spring (I think) Progress…
I hate to start these posts complaining about weather, but MAN, can we get a break over here? It’s SO much easier and inspiring to work on a house when you can roll down the windows and let fresh air in. Either way, progress has picked up steadily over the last couple weeks. Even though our kitchen is still sitting in boxes waiting to be assembled, we have prepped all electric for the space and trimmed out doorways. There are so many details and man hours solely in prep – things you don’t realize and of course they don’t show you on HGTV!
We opted for finishing the interior windows with drywall instead of trim. So we’ve been prepping and mudding for a simple and modern look. I love them! We've been painting and putting up door trim and base boards. I’ve been buying art (that I’m still reluctant to hang until we get permanent furniture in here). We’ve also been doing some serious exterior work – scraping (by hand) the paint off our original cedar siding and priming/painting on the nice days!
We will spend the next month continuing to work on our kitchen. We are starting installation on the bottom cabinets any day now! I can’t WAIT to show you the progress in there next time around.
26 weeks pregnant and a LOT more work to do, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
-- xo, gretta --